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The ride before us and behind us

On a motorcycle the road is a lot different than in a car or other transportation as what you see out in the open is more a part of you. In crisscrossing our great country, you seen and feel every bit it has to offer, and you beg for more with each mile. There are those that say they have been to a place you have experienced in the open, but have they really seen what you have in going there being there and returning? 

Some, even on a motorcycle barrel down the highway to a destination without a thought of what they are missing and what a loss it is for them. The trip is the better part of ride if you can escape from the interstate highways so you can really see the U.S.A. as it is and was. Stopping and taking time to talk to the people you meet along the way can be very rewarding forming new friends and learning things about the area that may not be in your map books.

Speaking of maps, this to me is a great place to start a trip as like most it starts in the months that you are not riding because of bad weather and are thinking of the open road. Now with G.P.S. some just punch in the information they have and go down road and let it take your trip for you. Bad idea, you have just lost a big part of your enjoyment and you are going to not see or be able to enjoy many things along your route, the G.P.S. can only guide you not plan the ride.

Over the past years I have taken many trips and some more than once but never regretted any of them. Some rides have been perfect with great weather but the rides that may have been wet, windy, cold, or all of the above in one day of riding was just as good a ride as the day of sunshine and blues skies.

I have heard many times that if you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride around here, and I know that's partly true. It is not fun to start a ride in the rain but if you are prepared for all weather conditions you will always be comfortable on your ride.

Make sure you always carry a contact number with you in case of emergency, if possible, carry a cell phone and a few spare parts for yourself or someone else and most important some first aid training so you can help yourself or someone in need.

Ride safe, have fun, and return home ready for your next ride on the roads of the U.S.A.

History of HOG

Harley Davidson was founded in 1903

National HOG was founded in 1983

Tacoma was the closest Harley shop so in 1985 I joined with them and was member for 11 years. Silverdale HOG was founded in January 1999 on the first day 114 Harley owners signed but many were not national members so that to be done before joining our local chapter. HOG was formed by the factory to bring Harley riders together so all members would have a group of like-minded riders to ride and form friendships with.

Over the years there have been three Harley shops in Kitsap County but none lasting as long as our present shop. Getting a shop here in Kitsap County saved us form a long ride to Tacoma and we now have more personal attention to our needs. Over the years we have had many rides, some only 75-100 miles and one that was 8000 miles in 22 days. We have had planned group rides every summer for as few as 6 riders to as many as 16 riders with no mishaps some rain but tons of fun. Most Saturdays we would take a short ride to a location for a late breakfast or lunch, lots of talk and new things to see. The best part of the ride is meeting new riders and looking for roads not traveled before, if we take a wrong turn that's just a new adventure. Our membership has been as high as 580 members, but the last few years has held around 150 no matter the number we have a good time and always welcome new members to HOG. The Ladies of Harley are a big part of HOG, and they make sure things get done and spend many hours at that task. they plan the parties that we all enjoy, Christmas party, summer picnic, and game nights in the winter months. When you belong to HOG national you have a connection with any Harley shop in the world and they are there to give you help when needed or at least a cup of coffee.






Knowing that a trip of this length would take time and money, leave from home and job, and most of all planning to ensure that everything important was in place. Planning is the important part of any trip as you don't want to later find you have missed something you would regret not seeing.

If time is not a problem, plan to ride 250-to 300 miles a day sleeping in a motel or on the ground in a different location every night. Short days will allow to stop at interesting sites along the way and give you time to talk to the locals about their area.

Once you are into your ride you will find your mental state has changed and you will be more aware of everything around you. the sights you will be seeing are not at all what you see in a car, and you will also smell the air, see the countryside and color of nature differently. be ready for some rain, wind, and hot weather and you will still enjoy your ride by being ready for anything. 

Each day you will have different demands on you and in the end, it will make you enjoy life a little more and make you stringer. there will be nights that you will be very tired from seeing so much and having so much fun, but you will sleep very sound.

When your ride comes to an end you will look back at all the things you have seen and done, and it will make you wonder why it took you so long to do this life changing ride. Riding across the country or across town can make your everyday life an adventure to de-age you, get you fit, and most of all make you more passionate about riding.


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